I put my bag down, opened it, and grabbed my camera. While I was chatting to Abby’s parents, she stuck her head into the bag, without hesitation grabbed a squeaky toy and carried it into the backyard to play. Abby is a 2-year-old Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (now that’s a mouthful), and she’s charming, funny, gorgeous, a perfect doggie model.. and also a little crazy. I knew this would be a fun one when her mom Ashleigh said “..she’s like a Border Collie, but more energetic”.
For two hours, she raced around the backyard, retrieving toys and playing tug, with short breaks in between to pose like a supermodel and smile at the camera. Went I left, exhausted and muddy but also delighted with the beautiful photos I was able to make, she was still going with no signs of slowing down!
Did you know? Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers, affectionately known as “Tollers”, are the smallest of the retriever breeds. Unsurprisingly, they originate in Canada. They get their name from their ability to lure waterfowl into gunshot range, and as Abby demonstrated, they are intelligent and high energy dogs.

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