I’d like to introduce you to Chippa, full name Chipolata Van Dachsian.
Her mom Kate had wanted a little Dachshund for a long time, so when her sister-in-law Amy, who happens to be a vet nurse, had some Doxie pups in for vaccinations, she couldn’t resist. But really – who could resist this adorable face, enormous ears and chubby legs?
Chippa in real life is even tinier than she looks in the photos. And even though she’s a quiet pup and a bit shy when it comes to meeting new dogs, she’s already made friends with the rest of the family dogs – including one very crazy Boxer – and even manages to hold her own when the bigger dogs are wrestling. Pretty impressive!
Did you know? Dachshund is German for “Badger Dog”. In Germany, however, they are known as Dackel or Teckel.

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