Here is Toby’s story, in the words of his mom Laura.
“Lovely horse, how much was he?” “Absolutely nothing.”
The only thing I know about my beloved boy is he’s had a rough life. Started off, as many Thoroughbreds, with a career in racing – not as glamorous as it might sound! With many injuries (mostly in and around his mouth) and quite a bit of attitude, he was no one’s dream horse and was left to rot in a paddock. Along came a woman with a heart of gold and took poor starved Toby into her care, all the while looking for a person to give Toby a home. It started off as a 6 month lease, slowly building up a relationship and bond – I fell in love immediately! (despite his “why should I?” attitude). The 6 month lease quickly came to an end, with me begging to renew it. Instead of renewing the lease, 3 weeks before my birthday, the ownership of Toby was signed over to me.
Now, my loyal friend and soul mate; you will never have to experience hardship again, and will spend the rest of your days with me right by your side.

Love these images? You can have beautiful photos of your pet, too! Drop me a line and I will show you how.